So you were in love?

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So you were in love. It was the most perfect thing in the world, and then suddenly it wasn't. You never imagined it ending like that. You were left hurt, sad, disappointed and tempted to give up on love. But trust me; it's not the end of the world. I have seen people wonder the necessity behind loving another person after a heartbreak or two. The truth is that to experience joy, you have to feel pain. Love is temporary happiness and temporary pain. Nothing great comes without some effort. And to love can be the best effort you give to someone special, to love can be a defining point in your life where and when you discover the true essence of your being and perhaps your youth.


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It was a learning experience. Probably the best one in your life. Every step in life, whether right or otherwise, teaches you a lot of things. Maybe, your experience with this guy/girl wasn't as wondrous as you'd have liked. But on the flip side, it taught you a lot of things, not just about love, but also about yourself. Now, you know what exactly is it that you don't want in your guy/girl.



Love isn't to be blamed. It was just that a bad, probably hurtful relationship.
You are not a pro at it! So what? There is no user manual to love or even romance for that matter. Go out again, with open eyes, and an open mind, and probably your true love is out there, waiting for you to make the first move.


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Believe it or not, your past experience has made you stronger. So you are more likely to use your head as well as your heart.



But seriously, when it's the right person you fall in love with, you won't even need the above reasons to make peace with yourself. You'll just know.



So, don't hold back. Get ready for a future that is bright, hopeful and filled with love.
You can never know love or learn what it means until you have loved. To love is a search for what is right and what is compatible or adjustable to you.

With love, a lot of things are possible. Love changes people and make you change. Love has a way of making you see the world differently.



Love may not last forever. But the memories you will keep from it, may be treasures you hold forever.



Love as much as you can. Yes you may be less willing after a decent try or two. But in those edges will you find something smooth that you will keep and treasure for the rest of your life!

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Hey You! Yes You! DON'T QUIT!

We all do. No matter how set on our paths and our lives we are, we all want to quit every now and then. Because we’re humans, and like I always say — humans are beautiful, but we suck at remembering it. 

That’s not the case. The right path is the one you want to be on. And yeah, you’ll want to quit, but you’ll be just like the rest of us if you go through that. Being an artist, being a creative, being an entrepreneur, it’s about fighting with yourself to keep playing the game when it all feels hopeless.It’s about making one more gamble, and every time, setting your sights on a win, instead of leaving the table.

Just remember 7 things in life!


1. There is no “Easy Button”.

If there were, everybody would be successful. Anyone who tells you there is is either lying to you or trying to sell you something. Look around, you will see that in action.

If there were, everybody would be successful. Anyone who tells you there is is either lying to you or trying to sell you something. Look around, you will see that in action.

2. Set your bar higher.

Becoming the best you can be takes more work than becoming better than the other guy/gal. Even ‘better’ than them, although I sometimes admit I don’t really know what that means.

Becoming the best you can be takes more work than becoming better than the other guy/gal. Even ‘better’ than them, although I sometimes admit I don’t really know what that means.

3. You are unique.

Find a small, quiet place and think about who YOU are. Finding your style is more about opening up to what you already have than looking outside for inspiration to copy.

Find a small, quiet place and think about who YOU are. Finding your style is more about opening up to what you already have than looking outside for inspiration to copy.

4. Set goals.

Short term, long term, way long term. Make them just out of reach, worth fighting for, and measurable. Write them down… on paper. Read them every Sunday morning… and every time you are feeling a bit creatively cramped.

Short term, long term, way long term. Make them just out of reach, worth fighting for, and measurable. Write them down… on paper. Read them every Sunday morning… and every time you are feeling a bit creatively cramped.

5. Love the word YES!

Be open to new things and opportunities. Take chances. Take risks. Be as cautious as necessary, but no more. We do not move up the mountain by being cautious and timid. Embrace the incredible possibilities that confront us nearly every day… and go g…

Be open to new things and opportunities. Take chances. Take risks. Be as cautious as necessary, but no more. We do not move up the mountain by being cautious and timid. Embrace the incredible possibilities that confront us nearly every day… and go get a few.

6. Learn to say NO!

Do not become a negative person, but know when to call time out. Know when you are being taken advantage of or not being appreciated when the appreciation is ALL you are really looking for. Don’t take crap from anyone. Ever. Stand up for your rights…

Do not become a negative person, but know when to call time out. Know when you are being taken advantage of or not being appreciated when the appreciation is ALL you are really looking for. Don’t take crap from anyone. Ever. Stand up for your rights, your work and your vision. Own it.

7. Learn from every mistake.

Critique the hell out of every mistake. Write the critiques down. Yeah, I tell you to write it down for a reason. Studies have shown that what you learn is retained more than typing it into a computer screen. Don’t argue with me, I know stuff. …

Critique the hell out of every mistake. Write the critiques down. Yeah, I tell you to write it down for a reason. Studies have shown that what you learn is retained more than typing it into a computer screen. Don’t argue with me, I know stuff. The next time you shoot, don’t make that mistake again. And don’t worry, there are a ton of mistakes waiting to be made, so critique and adjust.

I didn’t quit, and I won’t quit, because I’m in love with life. I’m in love with it, with breathing in and out,smelling the world when it rains, I’m in love with the work I do, no matter how hard it gets and how good it might feel to walk away, from time to time. I’m in love with helping people.

I want to quit for most of the same reasons that you do. Because we’re all struggling to make it in a world that often doesn’t listen, waiting for the right hand, or the right moment to play the wrong one. We’re all worried we don’t match up to the ideals and heroes we’ve set ourselves, and there’s a thousand things we’d rather fucking be doing.

But I don’t quit. I don’t quit every single day, when I wake up and I want to.I didn’t quit for 5 years, clicking pictures that very few liked, freaking out in panic attacks and deleting them before I would calm down and start all over again.

If this doesn't work out for you, then the song,"Waiting for my real life to begin", by Colin Hay will surely do!


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